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Transcript of Putin's Press Conference
BBC MonitoringRussian president gives extensive news conference in the Kremlin
Source: Russia TV, Moscow, in Russian 13:00 gmt 18 Jul 01Russian President Vladimir Putin delighted the newsmen on 18 July by holding a 94-minute news conference in the Kremlin. During this news conference he freely replied to questions on home and foreign policy. He explained his vision of Russia's future, gave his views on the working of parliament, government reshuffles and transforming national politics in Russia. He said he had no intention of changing his policy on Chechnya. He complained about the state of the Russian navy and stressed that there had been no hope of saving the crew of the sunken Kursk nuclear submarine. He opposed the burial of Lenin and suggested that the Communist Party of Russia should retake the name that Lenin gave it originally. Regarding foreign affairs, Putin replied to questions on a possible Russian-Chinese response to US rejection of the ABM treaty, on the territorial dispute with Japan, the Middle East crisis, NATO expansion, sanctions against Iraq and expressed his views on US President Bush. The following is the full text of the news conference broadcast on Russia TV on 18 July. The subheads have been inserted editorially.
1. Introduction (Путин) 1
2. The State Duma has been working well (Интерфакс) 2
3. No need to rush government reshuffle (Рейтерс) 3
4. The Genoa summit (кувейтская телевизия) 4
5. Iraq sanctions are not productive (кувейтская телевизия) 4
6. Middle East confrontation is regrettable (кувейтская телевизия) 4
7. Jiang Zemin's visit (японская телевизия NHK) 5
8. Territorial dispute with Japan (японская телевизия NHK) 6
9. Naval construction (Правда Севера) 6
10. Putin's vision of Russia's future (Филадельфийский инквайрер) 7
11. NATO expansion (тхе экономист) 9
12. The Communist Party and Lenin (АФП) 10
13. Regional responsibilities and energy supplies (жители Челябинска интересуются) 11
14. The Putins' pets (вопрос комсомолки) 12
15. State information policy (русская служба Бибиси) 12
16. No changes planned in Chechnya policy (Свобода радио) 13
17. Relations with President Bush (Давыд Монт Гомеры) 15
18. St Petersburg's 300th anniversary (телевизия и радио СПб) 16
19. Raising the submarine Kursk (ТВ6, бывшее НТВ) 17
20. Investment in the North's mineral resources 18
21. Reform of the political system (дер шпигель) 19
22. ABM and relations with President Bush (ИТАРТАСС) 20
23. Election of regional leaders (русское радио) 21
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